Debora Morris, Board Member
With a passion for prayer, Debora has a served the Body of Christ through local churches, Daughters of Virtue Ministries and Enriching Your World School of Ministry. She was saved at an early age but received the baptism of the Holy Spirit later in life. Since that point, she has grown to be strong in faith and prayer.
As a spirit-filled woman of God, It is Debora’s desire to see all women be whole and healed in every area of their life. One of her favorite scriptures is Matthew 19:26, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Debora recognizes that prayer is key to being triumphant in Christ. With her leadership skills and caring heart, Debora is always ready to serve those in need in any way she can.
Debora is originally from Tampa, Florida and currently resides in Jonesboro, Georgia where she cares for her aging mother. She has one adult daughter.